Monday 14 October 2013


Last nights international buffet was great night fun from tasting all foods and drink to everyone playing jinga and being unbeatable in table football!

This mornings energiser was a little put of due to rain when we became ninjas. Went inside though to finish of.

Nice steady start with talking about what a entrepreneur is. Into groups where we discussed more in depth  what they are with strengths and weakness of them.
Had dowts about talking about famous entrepreneur but was glad to be shown that presentations and hearing the information was more interesting than what first thought.

Looking at what a business plan is and what it should include. Talking in groups about what should be included, what is important and who should be reading it. Tried to stand back and not talk as much but struggle to, as get 1 or 2 people not feeling 100% comfortable and shy to talk out. Think few of us have shown that we can talk easy in front of people and feel comfortable about it so they let us carry on. Think need to hold back a bit and ask the right questions to them to help them give there thoughts out to the group.
Some times I don't know when to be quite and forget to let others talk......

Looking in depth at what's in a business plan and how to write one up. Looking at what financiers you have to look into and what orders you should look at to catch people's eye. What sounded like could have been a little on the boring side turned out to be really interesting and a little fun. The session itself was put together really good and kept everyone thinking. Made me really think about it all and realise how much work there is in it.
(Still trying to let everyone say something but everyone seems to look at me to talk and present for the groups... See what this afternoon brings...)

Dinner was pizza and salad, nice.

Feeling a bit tired, sat down for a talk about social media. Tips on getting out in world, hash tagging words and spreading word about your business's. Took photos through out for reminds to take back home about improving the village halls advertising. And it's free. But we seem to paying for it...???
Advised that Twitter is best for advertising. Might look into it for the hall when we are happy with Facebook page. Could a small simple video be made and put on twitter and Facebook at all...? Really making me think about what I can do for the village hall now which I wasn't thinking about would happen.
Have to thinking about keywords what people look for when searching on google/etc.

Dinner tonight was pork chop, potatoes and beans. Nice dinner.

Got folk dancing tonight. Looking forward to it all will give a report back in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. It's great to see how you can use this knowledge at home!
    Great blog, keep up the good work! :D
